Top 10 Must-Eat Local Dishes in Singapore

Singapore is well-known for our world-class facilities, theme parks and not forgetting our own unique local dishes. Coming from a multi-ethnic and diverse society, we are home to a variety of unique cuisines that are highly popular among the locals.

1. Chili Crab
Chili Crab is a local favourite that is even ranked as one of the world’s 50 most delicious foods in a survey by CNN. The juicy crab dish is soaked in a sweet and spicy tomato and chili sauce, complemented with steamed or friend mantous (buns).

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 Source: Epicurious

2. Chicken Rice
Chicken Rice is a uniquely Singaporean dish consisting of chicken cooked in a blend of pork and chicken bone stock. The rice is prepared using chicken stock, ginger and garlic. The dish is usually served with garlic and chili sauce to bring out the unique flavours within.

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 Source: Nyonya Cooking

3. Char Kway Teow
Char Kway Teow is a rice noodle dish that is stir-fried with crispy bean sprouts, Chinese sausage, clams, dark soy sauce and shrimp paste. It is complete with its distinct smoky flavor.

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Source: Wok & Skillet

4. Nasi Lemak
Nasi Lemak is a unique Malay dish which translates to “rich rice”. The rice is steamed in creamy coconut milk and the national dish of Malaysia is served with fried chicken, ikan bilis (dried anchovies), roasted peanuts, egg, otah (grilled fish cake) and complemented with sambal (chili paste).

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 Source: Taste of Asian Food

5. Kaya Toast
Kaya Toast is a well-loved breakfast dish among all Singaporeans. The dish consists of sweet kaya (pandan-flavoured coconut jam) and a slice of butter sandwiched between toasted slices of bread. Accompanied by a mixture of soft-boiled eggs, pepper and dark or light soya sauce, this dish infuses the best of the sweet and savoury.

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Source: SBS

6. Satay
Satay is a delectable dish that can be found in almost any hawker centre. It is typically served with ketupat (steamed rice cake) and peanut dip. The meat comes in a variety from pork, chicken, lamb, beef and many more.

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 Source: Health Xchange

7. Bak Kut Teh
Bak Kut Teh translates to “meat bone tea” which is made from Chinese Tea that is typically paired with a rich pork rib soup dish. The soup is boiled using pork bones and meat together with a delicate amount of herbs and spices. It is completed with a serving of rice and you tiao (dough fritters).

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Source: Seth Lui

8. Sambal Stingray
Sambal Stingray is also know as ikan bakar (barbecued fish) in Malay. The fish is grilled in banana leaf to retain its flavor and it is then served with spicy sambal paste made from chili peppers, belacan (shrimp paste), shallots and spices. To complete the meal, it is then paired with salty chinchalok which is a dipping sauce made from fermented krill/shrimp, lime and chili.

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Source: Seth Lui

9. Laksa
Laksa is a traditional Peranakan cuisine infusing both the local delights of the Malay and Chinese. The dish consists of a creamy coconut sauce that is often served with cut-up noodles and fried bean curd.

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 Source: Rasa Malaysia

10. Bak Chor Mee
Bak Chor Mee translates to “minced meat and noodles” which is a delicious bowl of noodle served with slice pork, dumplings, pork liver and salted fish or fish cake slices coated in a spicy vinegar sauce. The noodle comes in a variety such as mee pok (flat noodle), mee kia (thin noodle), bee hoon (rice vermicelli), mee sua (wheat vermicelli) and mee tai mak (rice pin noodle).

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Source: Miss Tam Chiak

The top 10 local delights are a list of dishes highly favoured by our local Singaporeans that will surely bring out the taste of Singapore.